Monday, November 14, 2005

A Attempt at Being Sentimental

I let a tear go today. Why, you ask. For myself. For my wife, for my kids, for my family, and for my friends. They are dear to me, more than they may know. Life comes at us fast and for us to stay at it, priorities have to change, life drags the worst out of us. For that I say we should give life the finger sometimes and take time out for those we love. Play hide-and-seek with the kids, give the wife some one-on-one time, hang with the friends, even if it means getting your butt kicked in racquetball, or any other thing you do together. Life is short, things can be taken and given at any moment so live in the now, live life to the fullest and don't forget the little things. It's those that matter.


Unknown said...

It's about time. Have fun once in a while. Let your hair down. Boogie till you drop and all that fun stuff.

One thing that helps us in our relationship is that sometimes we say "We can't afford it but we are going to do it anyway." Things seem to work out alright.

Tracy said...

we do that once in a while too...