Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hail the Conquering Hero

Hess got home today! YAY!! I know that we are all excited to have him home. I know my kids are way excited. I know Tiaree was pretty happy about him coming home. She was in school today and was doing some work. She said that normally she can do the work in her head but today she had to use her sets. I think it has to do with math. Anyway, she was saying that she had to user her sets to do the work because all she could think about was "Uncle Harold coming home". When I walked into the school to pick her up, she saw me and got really excited.

When we got to the airport we had to wait about 20 minutes for his plane to land. As we were waiting B and I walked over to watch for the plane to land. I got really excited as I saw the plane touch down. I walked over and mentioned that the plane had landed and we waited for it to taxi up. As the plane doors opened, and they started to walk down the stairs, it was real. Hess is home!

I personally want to thank him, and all those that are serving in the military to keep my freedoms where and what they are. I am grateful for the thought that some families are losing sons and daughters to keep our country free. There isn't a day when life goes by where we don't get to see the freedoms that they are helping to secure. To all those military men and women that have been sent abroad and those that are stationed in the US, I want to say THANKS!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Easily Distracted

I think I must have A.D.D. or something. I was sitting here, you know working on this beautiful Friday afternoon. As I was sitting here, I looked at a clip that is magnetized hanging on my shelf. I pulled it off the shelf and started to wonder how the had put the magnet on the little plastic clip. There is a space molded into the back of the clip where it is obvious the magnet goes. I tried to see what was holding it but it's hard to tell if it's glue or something like double stick tape. Anyway, those are the little thing that make me think that A.D.D. is part of my system. It's sort of crazy.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Howard the Duck

The other day, I was thinking about this movie. It came out when I was about 12 years old and I've seen it a couple times in my youth. I always thought it was a cool show and, after reading some of the reviews, found out it was an actual flop. I don't know why people didn't like it. It was corny and all but I'm not certain how it couldn't be.

They haven't released it on DVD and there are currently no plans to do so which really bums me out a bit. I may have to buy VHS and transfer because this is one I really liked and wouldn't mind adding to my collection. I'm trying to stay away from VHS because you cannot buy a new VHS player. You can get a DVD/VHS but in time, those will disappear also.

The 80's produced quite a few corny movies. We did find one the other day that we got at K-Mart for $5 that was a double DVD. It has Elvira on one side and "Transylvania 6-5000" on the other. That is a hilarious movie.

My daughter (Aurora) got a chance to see "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" in school and thought it was stupid. That's another that I would like to add to the DVD arsenal. Stupid movies are fun and if you accept that they are going to be stupid, have poor acting and props, then its just good fun.

Anyway, thought I'd share my love of corny movies.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Who's killin' the cat?!?

Since we got our stimulus check, we decided to stimulate the economy. We purchased Rockstar for the PS2. This is a lot of fun for the whole family. We played it on Saturday and had a lot of fun.

Basically, you get a guitar, microphone, and drum set. If you add another guitar, you can have up to 4 people play; one on guitar, one on bass, one on drums and a lead singer. Now, I do pretty good at the guitar and bass thanks to my experience with the Guitar Hero series. Drums are a little tough but I can see some improvement as I learn to use them. Singing however, is another story completely.

I can sing along with songs and usually turn up the radio so that you can't hear my voice. I don't do too bad if I have a very limited range to sing and I don't have to do it very loud. On Rockstar or Singstar (which I played at my sisters), I realize that I suck at singing.

So, needless to say, I won't be joining any choirs anytime soon.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Time Warp

I have to complain for a bit. I'm a little on the depressed side today. I'm taking a half day to do something that makes me realize that time passes quickly.

Today, I get to register Jayna for kindergarten. How upsetting is that? Well, since she is the baby, it means that I am getting old and the kids aren't going to be kids forever. I get this way with some milestones in their lives. For example, Aurora will register for High School next year. She will go to the high school that her mother and I went to (along with all of our siblings.) I guess I know how my mom feels now when we registered for high school.... at her old high school.

That will be 3 generations in the same high school, 4 if you consider my grandmother worked there as the secretary. Anyway, just a bunch of trivia to make you feel old.