Sunday, May 17, 2009

It was a beautiful wedding...

Well after being horribly sick Thursday afternoon and all day Friday, I hate being sick, we got to attend the wedding of Chels' sister Caitlin on Saturday. It was a beautiful day, one of those days that you melt in the sun and practically freeze if you are in the shade too long. The day started early trying to get the kids up and to Nic's house for the day, then headed to the Salt Lake Temple to attend the sealing. It was a great ceremony and the sealer was great and gave some great advice. 1. To say "I love you" at least once a day and 2. to take the opportunity to kiss her at least once a day. It was short and sweet. Then the wedding breakfast and then home to do the scramble to get the kids ready for the reception. They looked marvelous...




The wedding was a lot of fun, minus standing in the line with the tail end of this stupid illness. Jarik stood next to me most of the night and shook a lot of hands. Tiaree, Bree, and KK did a lot of dancing. KK was super intrigued by Chels' Uncle Meade, who played the Alto Sax for part of the night. He is a member of Kettlefish and he is pretty good. So here is what KK would do while he was playing...

I may be biased a little but aren't they the cutest kids. The illness is pretty much gone and the wedding is over. Tomorrow starts a new week time for some fun.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Classic Sunday Fun...

Mother's Day 2009 will go down as one of the classic Sundays in my mind. The only thing missing was the basketball hoop. We went to Grammy and Papa's for dinner. It was a great Sunday and loads of fun.

Caitlin mentioned yesterday that she wanted to take a group picture so we decided to take some pictures today. I grabbed the camera and the tripod and we set up in Grammy's front yard. Big family pictures are always an issue to get everyone to look at the camera and not be dumb. Of course we get some good ones, but Jarik is being a dork in most of them. Silly kid. We took some of the kids but there is one kid not with us quite yet and we took a picture of that one. This is actually my favorite picture that I took tonight. I've changed the coloring just a little from the original picture, hope you like it.