Tuesday, November 03, 2009

What a Slacker I've Been...

Sorry for being such a slacker. I don't know how many people read this blog, but I know how I am with some of the blogs that I am a regular reader of and how it's just a little disappointing when there isn't something new to read. Not that you are all disappointed that I've been gone for 2 weeks. Well, I'm back, for this one entry and we'll just have to see what happens. I did take a class on my camera today and they gave me some ideas of things that I need to start doing. So maybe I'll get out and get some pictures taken.

Well today I have a Picture of the Day. Tonight we, meaning the scouts and leaders, went on a tour through the Cathedral of the Madeline for our activity. It is a beautiful building inside and out. I have lived in Utah all my life and have never gone into this awesome building. (Awesome in the true sense of the word) This building has some awesome artwork in it and it looks really cool on the outside as well. I will have to get back in the daylight hours for pictures of the outside, but here is one I took of the inside:

It was really neat to go on a tour of this building. If you want to take a group, you can go to the website for the Cathedral and there is a visitor link where you can find information regarding tours of the building. We were guided on our tour by Deacon Lynn Johnson who was very good and the boys had a great time hearing from him.

1 comment:

dlkenney said...

I love many of the old building in Salt Lake. I should take my kids to the cathedral I went when I was in YW's so many years ago.
Keep up the posting, because I love to read new things also.