Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Gotta Have Your Music....

or the monsters will get you. I don't know why, but it has been an exceptionally bad day. Just my mood, nothing anyone did, just feeling depressed. Maybe it's all the damn snow we've had. ;) Anyway, I decided that I needed something to boost me up today and nothing does it better when I'm at work then my music. Just turn it up as loud as my ears will handle, find some good songs and just rock out. It's some of the best medicine out there for chasing those monsters away. The nice part is I have music to battle almost any monster. I have Mo Tab to bring in the spirit when it's needed. Some good upbeat music for the general times. Today I started with My Chemical Romance's Welcome to the Black Parade. Good upbeat song. Went from there to Rodney Atkins, If You're Going Through Hell, then Bowling for Soup, Almost. Then one of my favorites for digging out of crappy days. Will Smith's Lost and Found album. The whole album is one of the best for chasing away monsters. Now the monsters are gone and I'm going to be headed home in about 10 minutes, cross my fingers, when my ride gets here.

Monday, January 29, 2007

New Camera Fun

So the new toy that I talked about the other day was a new camera. I got myself a Canon Rebel XT. It is one of the SLR type cameras and has been a lot of fun. It gives me a lot to work with as I start into this new hobby of mine. Here is a cute picture of Keighlee that I took tonight.

She is such a cute little girl. She was attacking me I think. That or she just wants to eat the camera. I'm sure that I am going to post more pictures as time goes on. Anyway, look at that cute little almost 8 month old. Well have a good night.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Good Morning!!!

Well it is finally Friday. This has been one of those up-down weeks where life takes you and throws you around a little. Being Friday things should go smoothly. Even though it is 7:15am and I'm already at work. Just means I'm leaving early today.

I found out this week that I got the position of team lead over my team. It is funny how the wheel turns. I work on a team, leave it, come back to another team and then apply and get the lead position for the team I started on. It is kind of funny. It should be a lot of fun and we are a month or so out from releasing a pretty big application. Other than that life at work is life at work.

Life at home is going well. I'm doing a diet thing, which has helped me drop a few pounds and start exercising a little bit more. I've had 1 hamburger all year, which for me is amazing. I have had chicken sandwiches from Wendy's but only one hamburger. It was an Apollo burger from Apollo Burger. It was a good hamburger. The kids are all doing really well. Keighlee is starting to get around a little, though backwards is her favorite direction. It's cute. She's also trying to pull herself up on things now and that's not always working. She's going to be an early walker. Other than that, life is going about as normal as it can. I did get a new toy yesterday, which I will blog about another day.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Moving to

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Christmas Box House

Tonight I had the opportunity to do some service at the Christmas Box House. It was a lot of fun. I played Yahtzee and Hangman with one of the kids there. I came home and was sad though. It is awesome that there is a place like the Christmas Box House, but at the same time it is really sad. I came home and my oldest daughter was crying because her cousin left without giving her a hug. Minor issue to me but a big deal to her. All she needed was a big hug from her daddy and to cry a little bit on my shoulder. I gave her a big hug and let her know it was ok, and that we'd see her cousin again. Then Bree came up and gave me a big hug and I started to cry. There were kids in the Christmas Box House that were pretty young. There was one that if you looked at her just right she looked almost exactly like Bree. It made me sad. It was a great opportunity as I said before and I decided that I will have a hard time doing it again because it tugs the heart strings. Well Keighlee is being a little snot about going to sleep so I think I'm going to go steal her from Chels and put her to sleep. Thanks for reading.

Time to Post for the Day

I'm sitting here at work and working on an application that is being somewhat of a pain. I'm working with Spring, Java, and Tomcat and when you change a Java class file, you have to restart the Tomcat instance on the machine. It takes a couple minutes for it to restart and populate all the information that we have it populating for the app. So I just restarted the server and decided I'd write something. Just for the heck of it. Well I'm done rambling now.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Feeling Good

I've started playing basketball on Tuesdays and Thursdays and it's a lot of fun. Well by started, I mean that I've played two days, but it's fun so I plan on playing more often. Last Thursday was the first day and I beat myself up. We played for so long and so hard that I was in pain the rest of the day. It also gave me a headache that didn't go away really until yesterday. I went and played today, we played for a a little over an hour, I didn't run as hard and I'm not as sore today. I actually feel really good.

That's it. The end for this post.

Friday, January 12, 2007

No Pain, No Gain

Today I'm feeling pretty good. I've started a little diet and trying to do more exercise. I didn't do it as a New Year's Resolution because they don't usually last very long. The diet is going well. I'm getting into the exercise thing and I'm a little sore. I worked out on Wednesday, I'm still a little sore from that. I ran on the treadmill on Tuesday for 15 minutes. I actually ran for the 15 minutes, which is a big step for me. Yesterday, Thursday, I played basketball for an hour and a half and minus a headache, I'm feeling pretty good. After the first week of the diet I lost 8 pounds and this week I'm doing pretty good too. I think I'm around 3 pounds down, but you aren't supposed to stand on the scale except for weigh-in days. Oh well. It's my diet and I'll do what I want. Today we are planning on going to the gym to lift again and I'll probably run again either today or tomorrow. Wish me luck.