Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Feeling Good

I've started playing basketball on Tuesdays and Thursdays and it's a lot of fun. Well by started, I mean that I've played two days, but it's fun so I plan on playing more often. Last Thursday was the first day and I beat myself up. We played for so long and so hard that I was in pain the rest of the day. It also gave me a headache that didn't go away really until yesterday. I went and played today, we played for a a little over an hour, I didn't run as hard and I'm not as sore today. I actually feel really good.

That's it. The end for this post.


Kaplin said...

You should play basketball on Tuesdays and racquetball on Thursday.

Tracy said...

Racquetball on Thursdays sounds good too. Are you playing every Thursday?