Wednesday, February 28, 2007

White stuff.... again.

After reading the post from Tracy, I wanted to chime in with my 2 cents. I'm sure we need the snow. I'm sure Utah, especially the SL Valley will benefit from the snow. Do you know how hard it is to geocache in the snow? It really does suck, for a few reasons.

  1. It's cold. Snow is actually frozen water which makes it cold. I hate cold.
  2. It's wet. You climb out in the snow, you bring some heat with you. It is enough to melt the snow and therefor is wet. Add that to cold and you are wet and cold.
  3. Geocaches are not to be burried. Since they are not originally, now you have snow burying them. It is a lot harder to look for a cache if it is under 2 feet of snow.
  4. Tracks. If you search around for a cache in the snow, you leave tracks. For the curious observer, their thoughts are "Why are their all those footprints around that tree?" They either think we are complete idiots for circling a tree, that we are sniffing around for a place to pee or that there is something of interest. Even if the cache is hidden as it should be for other cachers, the curious observer may find and, not knowing about geocaching, take the cache.
Anyway, not trying to complain but spring better get here quickly. According to the forecast, it is supposed to snow off and on for the next couple of days. Basically a series of storms are lining up to dump and run. How crappy is that. Hope to get to geocaching before to long.

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