Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Monthly Reflection - January 2006

As today is the last day of January, I felt it important to review the last month and evaluate what was good and what was bad. Thus far, it has really been a terrific month.

This month has seen its share of up's and down's but I think a lot of the near future will be determined by the events that have happened this month. Our kids have a better understanding of our lives and what we are trying to accomplish. We are planning more time together as a family and have figured out some traditional activities as well as some new activities to do together as a family.

I think that families should evaluate their direction every once in a while to evaluate whether they are heading in a proper direction or whether adjustments need to be made.

Some of the changes include:
- Implimentation of a Chore Chart for everyone in the household with allowances to be paid. (Even mom and dad have chore charts.)

- New activities with those suggestions from kids and some not previously done. Gear and supplies to be purchased accordingly.

- More time being alloted to family activities and, with the chores being completed in a timely fashion, more time can be used for things other than cleaning.

- Talking with our kids and each other. Showing more patience as individuals and as families.

I've realized that there is not one definitive thing that can be done to fix problems but that each thing is a process. As it is a process, the "fixes" are also a process that needs to evolve and mature as needed. As things changes, so do the processes. Even though we "know", I hope implimentation will be as smooth as possible and that we will learn when we slide away from the things that make our lives work.

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