Friday, April 03, 2009

Memories of Bobbie

I haven't blogged in a while and thought it was about time. I wasn't sure what to blog about until my brother sent me a news item on KSL.COM that was about my step-sister Bobbie Campbell. She is the daughter of my mother's husband Bob.

She has been missing for 14 years. Stephanie, her daughter, was on the news talking about her. She has used a company to create an age-progressed photo. It was hard to see the photo because I remember a lot of good times with Bobbie. She was troubled in her youth, but she was a great person to hang out with. She was a lot of fun to joke around with as well.

It got me thinking of memories of her and there is one that always makes me laugh when I think about it. I was 16 at the time and had my first car, a 1977 brown Subaru. I loved that car. It looked like a big turd but it was my first car.

Bobbie had asked me to take her over to Orange Street. One of her friends had just gotten out of prison and was in a half-way house on Orange Street. She told me it was on 6th South and it was at 6 South. (or something similar to that.)

We fought like typical brother-sister. It was a lot of fun and this day was no different. We were arguing about addresses and knowing how to read an address. I used to get mad at her because she would never wear her seatbelt in my car.

We were driving down 10th West as we argued over addresses and seat belts. At one point on 10th West, there are some railroad tracks that cross 10th West and you have to take them slow, which, since I was focused on my argument with Bobbie, I didn't realize that we were coming up on the tracks and I hit them at full speed. Well, as you would expect, my car jumped the tracks, Bobbie, not wearing a seat belt, hit her head on the ceiling. Both of us looked at each other in surprise and the conversation stopped instantaneously. When Bobbie recovered from the shock, she reached over, put on her seat belt and we rode the rest of the way in silence, both of us on the verge of laughter.

Anyway, I thought I would share this wonderful memory of my sister. I know she is missed and I hope we find out what did happen to her, even if only to put her daughter's mind at rest.

We love you Bobbie!!!!

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