Friday, April 02, 2010

Signs of Life

We have a couple of rose bushes in our front yard. I'm not very knowledgeable about what to do to winterize a rose bush, so I left it how it was. Of course the leaves all turned brown over the winter and I expected them to fall off, but they never did. This poor rose bush looks pretty pathetic and I was thinking of pulling it out and replanting it somewhere else, since it is getting really big not because it is "dead". Then the other night I noticed something I found to be pretty remarkable, the plant has decided to come to life again.

ISO 400 50mm f/4.5 1/8 sec.

You can see in the picture on the left side towards the bottom some of the leaves are starting to look green. There are some of the main stems that are turning green as well.

ISO 400 50mm f/1.8 1/20 sec.

I thought it was pretty cool to see these rose bushes showing signs of life again. It caused me to reflect a little on this coming Sunday, Easter, and what this holiday represents.

It represents the resurrection of our Savior, who atoned for the sins of this world. He lived His life teaching and loving those that He served. He lived a perfect life and was the perfect example to all of us. In Matthew he teaches us to "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all they mind" (Matt 22:37) and He continues that teaching and adds "Thou shalt love they neighbor as theyself" (Matt 22:39) as the two great commandments. There are many other things that He taught and I generally don't go all religious in this blog, but seeing this rose bush and knowing that Easter is this Sunday, I would like to add that I know He lives. He rose from that tomb and triumphed over death and that He did this for all mankind. He loves us and I love Him.

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