Monday, April 05, 2010


So Sunday morning as I was driving home from attending the AM session of LDS General Conference, I noticed some tagging, graffiti, in the area. As I drove up my street I started to think how I have a nice long strip of white vinyl fence that is an open canvas to hoodlums in the area. The nice part about this is that I knew it wasn't a matter of if I would get tagged, but when. Well the answer came. Here's a shot at the artwork...

Not very creative and by saying that I'm asking for more creative graffiti, where's some wood I can knock on.

Here's the sad part of the story. We are part of West Jordan, but we pay everything to the county. So when this new Unified Police Department fee came out we had to pay it. Well when I called the UPD to report the vandalism, I got to talk to a guy who took my address. After giving it to him, he asked are you in West Jordan, I answered yes and before I could continue to let him know that I was in the county part of West Jordan, he transferred me to the West Jordan Police Department. I talked to the guy there who was very kind and pointed out that we were part of the UPD and I told him that I knew that because I had just paid my stupid fee to them. I got transferred back to UPD and was able to get the information to them. The officer woman that called me back later that day was very polite and told me that about a dozen places had been tagged that night.

I will wait a couple days to see if the UPD graffiti clean up crew will come and take care of it, if not, I will go get the spray that they have at the UPD sub-station near my house. That's my laziness, but I paid the fee and I feel I should take advantage of using the UPD.

1 comment:

Chels said...

Heck ya, let them work for their money!! We paid it, we deserve to see the results of that payment :)