Monday, June 26, 2006

Back to Work

Well today was my first day back to work after my two weeks off with the new baby. She's so cute. The other kids are doing well with her, it's pretty cool. Work is new to me, since I got this new job. New cube, new responsibilities, new atmosphere, new coworkers, new stresses... It should be fun.

My two weeks off was pretty productive, I conqured a good number of the things that I wanted to get done. I started big with fixing up my rock garden. It was a two day job and I got a lot of help from my kids. They got two new Justice League movies out of the deal. I also got our new microwave put up. This was a big feat as it was installing a new plug and hanging it over the stove. It looks nice. The garden got weeded and tilled, since there isn't anything growing in it besides weeds, it was pretty easy. Overall it was a fun productive two weeks. I'm glad to come back to work, but I will miss the days with my wife and kids. It was a fun time.

Now I'm looking forward to my vacation that starts Thursday. I love taking time off.

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