Monday, August 25, 2008

Serious topic... Sorry T.

So, Tracy tries to keep this blog on the lighter side and limit the serious topics but I just can't resist. There is a topic that I think needs to be addressed. It has been something that has been going on since the 80's but may have been sparked from previous times. I'm talking about the Cola Wars.

Now, I know there are many differing opinions on which is better, Pepsi or Coke. Unfortunately, many people are under the impression that they are on equal footing in quality. While they both technically qualify as colas, Pepsi by far is much better than Coke.

I know that previous statement may create a bunch of arguments, and that is fine. Those that like Coke are entitled to their own opinion. Me, I like to stick with the facts and the fact is that Pepsi is better in quality and taste far above that of Coke. So, those of you still under the delusion that Coke is better than Pepsi, should really think about seeking professional help.

While the facts may be painful, they can be consoled by an ice cold Pepsi from your local convenience store.


Tracy said...

B, you need some serious help. Not for the fact that you choose Pepsi, but that you are too serious all the time. Lighten up...

And I'm of the opinion that if it's cold and available and isn't filled with that artificial lime or lemon flavor, then it's time to drink up.

Kaplin said...

PEPSI FTW!!1!one!

Suck it Coke!