Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Feature...Photo of the Day

So I've decided to start doing a photo of the day on this blog. There is sort of two-fold reason and I'm pretty sure it won't last too long, but I'm going to try. The two-fold reasons are, I want to blog more and I want to get better at taking and 'developing' pictures. It may not be a lot of text, but I'm hoping to always have a picture.

For today's picture I want to start off with my beautiful daughter Bree.

She was the 'Star' in her class at school so I had her stand against the wall and shot a few pictures. She is just so dang cute.


Tracy said...

I did it on an angle on purpose by the way.

A said...

Dude I didn't know you had a blog!? I was actually looking through my T-Book today at some old mission pics. Ill have to go see if I can find any of you. Good luck with the frequent updating thing. For me it totally ebbs and flows.