Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Photo of the Day - Sticky Mouse

Today's picture wasn't taken today. Tuesdays are a bad day to try and get out and take pictures. It is a pretty busy day. This picture was taken in Zion National Park on the Emerald Pools hike between the pools and the Grotto picnic area. I think that Bree or Tiaree saw it and said that it was Toodles from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and that he had crashed. If you don't know who Toodles is, get the Disney Channel and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. If you are older than about 5 it might be a good idea to find a son/daughter or niece /nephew that is about that age. That or you can take my word for it that is what Toodles looks like.

1 comment:

Chels said...

Why do you need to find someone under 5 to watch MMCH??? I would watch it all by my lonesome :D