Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I just have to say how awesome friends are. And that I totally miss mine. The only 2 really good friends I've ever had, people that I can talk to about absolutly anything, have both moved 5 or 6 hours away. It sucks. But they can still be good friends. My one friend from St. George just emailed me and gave me some advice on some hard things that have been happening to me. She's been through it and so it really helps. She said she is there if I need to talk and I know that she means it. It really is so cool so have such good friends. I hope that I can make others eventually, some that live closer to me, but I will alway cherish the friendships that I've made and I know that I'll always be able to count on those people. They can always count on me. They will always, always be my best friends!

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