Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Recently, my wife and I have been discussing our life in general. I can't say we are entirely excited about the position we are in. Not to say we are in a bad position, we just want something different.

I, myself, am tired of the 8-5 desk job. I want something different. I have a few ideas, but don't know that I'm 100% into being able to do it or wanting to do it. Plus the fact that I make a certain amount that I need to maintain to provide for my family.

Second, I think we are fed up with the Salt Lake area. It was so nice to get out of town this weekend and go to Manti. We passed through Manti, Ephraim, and a couple of other small towns south east of Salt Lake. Here's a good example of the differences.

I drive about a mile to get to the local Smith's store. It's not that long of a drive but with all the other "drivers" out there and all the lights, it is extremely frustrating. THEN, when I get there, its a hassle to find a parking spot, shop, buy, and get out. Everyone you run into is so rude. They cut you off on the roads and then with the shopping carts too.

Compare that with the shopping trip to Ephraim (which does have a Walmart by the way). We lost the pin for our trailer hitch. I needed a $2 part but we were in Manti Canyon. It took me 1/2 hour to 45 minutes to get down the canyon, drive through Manti down the road to the end of Ephraim. I get there, not at all minding the drive because it was peaceful for the most part (no one cutting me off) and get to Walmart. Most of the people I passed coming down the canyon are very courteous and most of them wave. I get to the Walmart in Ephraim and find a parking space pretty close to the store. I get inside and its not that crowded. Those that are there, make sure they are kind and courteous. I get to the check out without much of a problem. I drive back up the canyon with similar results as before.

There you have it. We haven't figured out what we want to do yet, but we have tossed around a few ideas. We are not going to do anything drastic in the next little while, but we are definately looking at making some changes. Hopefully in the next couple of years if we can manage to make changes that we would like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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