Monday, July 18, 2005

What a Nice Weekend

Well this weekend was one of the best weekends I've had in a while. I've been really big on getting stuff done in the yard, but this weekend it was just to hot to even think about going outside. So on Saturday, I got out of bed and made some pancakes for the family, then did the dishes and sat down to watch whatever cartoon that Tiaree was watching. She wanted to play a game on the computer so I gladly turned it on and let her play and I went and watched golf on TV. It was one of the majors, the British Open played in St. Andrews, the Old Course. It was nice to sit in the house and do what I wanted to. My wife, she was tied to the new Harry Potter book and she finished it during lunch on Sunday. She would have finished it on Saturday, but we watched Ocean's 11 instead. Now I'm reading HP and I'm into it about 45 pages and so far I like it. My wife and I talked about it, so I know who dies and so on and so forth, but I'm reading it because I want to see all the stuff for myself so I can speculate with her. My wife liked it and one of my friends who finished seemed unimpressed. When asked if he liked it he said "Not really". We'll discuss it after I finish the book. Anyway, it was a nice weekend and now the week has started and I have a friday, a weekend, and a vacation to look forward to next week, so I have a lot to do.

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