Thursday, July 21, 2005


So, it's been a week since my last post and it has been a somewhat tramatic and fun week. Last Thursday, I met up with Aly, Harold and the two oldest at Lagoon. It was a lot of fun. Mason is barely 46" which means that he now qualifies for almost all of the rides. He was pretty excited.

Friday was another "event" filled night. We went to the main library branch for Muggle Maddness to celebrate the release of Harry Potter 6. Very interesting night. They had a variety of classes from Transfiguration to Potions. They had wand making and the sorting hat. They also had Quidditch out on the lawn. Thanks to my son, Griffindor won the match. He was the seeker and made a spectacular show of it. Then it was off to Media Play to collect our books.

Saturday, Aly was in bed sick all day which was convienent for her so she could read HP6. Sunday, she was still down so we didn't go to church but, thanks to my sister's dog, I had to have 3 stitches in the tip of my index finger on my right hand. She had helped to break a window and, glass being what glass is, well, there ya have it...

The rest of the week has been pretty standard. We are going camping this weekend. I have Friday and Monday off so we are going to go camping for 4 days which will be really nice for us. We are excited to get out of town for a while. Help clear the head and give us an opportunity to be together and think about what we want for the future. So....

I'll post next week to tell you of our adventures.

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