Thursday, July 14, 2005

Give Peace A Chance.....

It has finally got me to a point where I'm going to complain about it. I've made mention off-blog regarding terrorism and the state of affairs in the world today. I think I've reached my limit with the past couple of events. First, London. What a bunch of wimpy, cowardice terrorists. Instead of fighting the people that are fighting against them, they are involving civilians. Of course, they may occasionally hurt or kill a soldier that fights against their kinsmen, but more often then not, it is innocent bystanders who's only crime is to have been born where they were. You're not winning very much sympathy you IDIOTS!!!! (Sorry about yelling, but I'm a little upset at the moment.)

NEXT, they kill their own kids. How stupid! To send a bomb filled SUV into a group of kids that could be your nephew/niece or other relative and blow it up ONLY because they are accepting gifts from soldiers. What kind of stupid, idiotic, cold, heartless, perosn would think up CRAP like that? The worst part, the PARENTS blame the soldiers? Does the word MENTAL mean anything to you? Sure, someone is nice to my kids and another person kills them but I'm going to blame the nice person for my child's death? If that's what wearing a burka or a towel around your head causes, count me out. If you ask me, the masses are just plain stupid.

So, now that I got that off my chest, I do REALLY hope that things will calm down. We have fellow citizens in extreme situations that they shouldn't be into. There are families without mother's and father's because we can't all get along. We can't allow someone else to be who they want to be. What a sad world we live in.

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