Monday, October 03, 2005

Bocce and Stuff

So for lunch today we played bocce. It's pretty fun.

Wow, it's amazing how fast my mind goes blank about blogging. I actually remember what I was going to blog last week when I forgot. The weather, and some of the terms they use. Like, partly cloudy or mostly cloudy. Well when it's partly cloudy does that mean it's mostly sunny, or vice versa, if it's mostly cloudy then is it only partly sunny. It's all just confusing. Here's another thought, one that I think that I've read the little joke thing on my e-mail about it, but it's good food for thought. Being a weatherman is a pretty nice gig. Where else can you guess wrong 9 out of 10 times and still have a job? Does what you say when your not on the air translate into exactly the opposite? Why do people complain about the weatherman and then tune in every night to see the weather? All good questions, and I'm sure there are plenty more where that came from. Well anyway, this blog that started out slow turned into something a little more than me telling you I played Bocce at lunch.

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