Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Gonna Blog Today

So it's Wednesday and I rode the bus and train into work today. I don't mind riding the bus and the train it gives me a chance to catch up on some reading. The bus takes about 45 minutes and the train is about 30 and the walk to the bus stop is usually like 15 or 20 depending on how late I leave the house and how fast I really want to walk. Well upon getting to the end of my street today, I realized that I had forgotten something and it was going to make the day a little blurry. Yep you guessed it, my glasses, didn't have time to put contacts in this morning so I was going to wear my glasses and I forgot them. Kind of sucks having blurry vision, reading my monitor isn't too bad, but anything beyond that, arghhhhh!

Now back to the whole bus/train thing. I like to think of myself as curtious and offer my seat to someone that may need it more than I. Like an elderly person or a woman, espically if she's hot...haha, just kidding. So I was looking around, through blurry vision, and noticed a lot of women and older people standing while young guys just sat there on their butts. Now I'm not saying they are in the wrong and they may have some issues about standing all the way downtown or to the U, but for the most part, I'm guessing that they are just a little lazy. Anyway, I wanted to gripe about that and now it's off my chest and alls well. Time to work again...

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