Monday, October 24, 2005

Great Weekend!!!

This last weekend was probably one of the best weekends I've ever had. I scheduled Friday, Saturday and Sunday off Albertson's so I could do some "family stuff" which made the weekend rather full anyway. So, to recap....

Friday - took a half day off Delco. Original plan to go to Lagoon with Alythea was scrapped because we had to follow up on some other things for Saturday. So, ran a few errands and got all are P's and Q's in order to insure a successful Saturday (which I'll comment on in a minute) and then had a nice dinner with the wife and kids at home. Watched a movie and called it an early night.

Saturday - Got up and bought breakfast burritos from Beto's. (If you haven't had one, try one. They are GREAT!!!!) Loaded the kids up and we all went to the Salt Lake Temple. We had an appointment to get our family sealed together for time and all eternity. The kids looked really good in their white outfits. The temple workers in the youth center did a really good job of making sure their hair and attire was perfect for this wonderful occasion. It was a wonderful day.

Since Aly and I didn't go to Lagoon on Friday, we decided to go after our luncheon at Grandma's house. The kids went to the movies with a couple of friends and Aly and I had the night to ourselves. We went through a couple of spook alleys, watched a couple of shows, rode a ride, then called it a night. We went home to rest and relax.

Sunday - Finally got to go to church. The last time I was actually there was before Labor Day weekend. It was good to go and listen and participate. I really miss going to church and you don't realize how much till you go and find out what you've been missing out on.

So, that was the weekend. It was pretty good. Got a few things done around the house, spent some time with the kids and wife, and got some time to relax. We start the week off with another hectic Monday and it gets busier from there.

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