Tuesday, September 27, 2005

5 for $5.95, Yummy

Ok, I'm a fan of Arby's and I went and took advantage of the 5 for 5.95 today. It was great. 2 regular roast beef sandwhiches, curly fries, mozerella sticks, and a medium Mr. Pibb. It was a great meal. It got rid of that craving I've been having. I know that my wife likes Arby's but I'm being a thoughtful husband and not eating it in front of her.

My wife rocks! She is kicking some major butt on the weight loss issue, she can fill you in more if she wants, but she is way kicking butt. I think that she looks hot in very baggy clothes. They are almost too baggy, but we'll buy her some more clothes soon.

So I did the classic blunder of wanting to blog something, but didn't do it at the time that I thought of it and totally forgot what I was going to blog about. Goes to show that blogging topics aren't always important.

Something cool, my uncle is a photographer for BYU and he took this picture of the TCU game last Saturday showing the guy fumbled before crossing the line, or did he? I have a great family, extended family on both sides, for the most part anyway.

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