Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Good Weekend

So our trip to Casper, WY went over without a hitch. Ok, well there were a few things but it worked out in the end and we had a great time. My wife wasn't ready to come home, something about staying in a hotel does that to her. I think it's the swimming pool and the beds being made. Nic and Rick got there a little later than expected, and I learned why have a cell phone is good, but sucks when you are somewhere that the service isn't available. They got there safe and we all had a good time. Got home last night just before 10 and got the car unpacked and the kids in bed. Then I fell into bed myself and was out. When Chels came into bed she said she gave me a kiss on the cheek and I didn't even stir or anything. I must have been tired. Anyway, the trip was fun and now it's time to start getting ready for San Francisco. I'm pretty excited for that trip. I'll follow up with both the trips with pictures later.

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