Sunday, September 25, 2005

Road Trip!

Whadda BlogWell we are down to the last week. I am going home friday no matter what! We have been gone for 85 days. We have spend 70 + hours in our vehicles. We have driven to or at least through Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, All over Missouri and back through to Wyoming and Friday we head back to UTAH. I am so excited! Jade (Rick's cousin) and I are so excited to go home we are ready to explode. Its been hard being away from what most call normalcy. The boys go to work at 9 in the evening and get home anywhere between 5 to 9 in the morning. Then they come home hang out and go to bed around noon. Makes for a long day/night for me.
My kids have handled it well for the most part. The first part of the trip I argued with Jazmine about how we were going to stay up at night and sleep during the day. She was determined that we only sleep at night. Now she waits till around 4 or 5 in the morning to go to bed.
All of the kids have grown so much. Jaxon went from and infant to well a big infant. He sits up, eats babyfood, and is starting to eat finger foods. He has a little temper when he doesn't get what he wants which is his mom most of the time. He hasn't gotten sick since South Dakota so that is way nice. I don't want to spend all the money we make on Dr. Bills.
Kyli is a sweet little mean thing. She punches like a boy and head butts everything. She headbutted me right in the kidney today...not a good feeling. She has grown so much it kills me. She talks so much sometimes you want to just tell her to sshhhhhhhhh!
Jazmine is too smart for her own good. She unfortunately addicted to television. Its even starting to rub off on Kyli. Last night Kyli woke up in the middle of the night wanting to hold me then she wanted to watch a movie. The guys were off work so we all went to bed early. It was so nice.
I think I have slept more on the couch then I have on my bed so it was nice to actually lay down with my hubby and sleep for 8 hours.
Rick and I have had our ups and downs. Life hits you pretty hard when everything changes. We have made up and now we are happy. -Till the next fight. :)
We have big plans when we get home. Like sale or house and our condo and down size a little since we will be traveling most of next year.
I am way excited to see my family. My mom and dad are planning to come visit the day I get home and that makes me so happy. Its been the longest since I have seen them. I am excited for so much. I hope getting home will be fun. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
See you on Friday!! If you come visit me cuz I ain't goin no where!

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