Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Black Hole

OK, so I've decided that black holes exist and they aren't in the vast expansions of space but right here on earth. Impossible you say, I don't think so. The dictionary has this as part of the definition of a black hole. Something that consumes a resource continually. So what is this black hole I speak of. E-mail. While e-mail, or email how ever you flavor it, is a necessary evil, it is one that can cause someone to enter a black hole. One of the biggest black hole issues is the e-conversation, you know that conversation that is going back and forth in email, black hole. Get IM for these things. Anyway, just wanted to mention that. Laters.


Unknown said...

One of the great things about e-mail conversations is that if you can't be constantly connected to an IM service, you can usually get things through e-mail.

The other good thing, especially with g-mail is that you have a running log. Now I know Messenger has a log but with g-mail, you can have all the logs linked even if you have side conversations or whole group conversations.

The black hole is the amount of time to have conversations especially when you are supposed to be at work. If there isn't an IM black hole suckin' time or an e-mail convesation suckin' time, there's always blogs.

Tracy said...

That's exactly it. The black hole is the time associated with these types of conversations.

Anonymous said...

The key word in your definition would then have to be "continually". For E-mails can be ignored for hours on end, days even (if you have the will power), as IM's will flash orange on your start bar until you get annoyed enough to read the message. So I suppose instead of black holes as a comparison, you should perhaps use the "Jedi Mind Trick" as it is most powerful against weak minded individuals.