Friday, November 10, 2006

Cheese and Crackers and Other Favorites

So I'm sitting at my desk at 8:00 in the morning munchin' on saltine crackers. I have come to believe that saltine crackers are one of the best munching foods of all time. You can add a little cheese and have your own little tray of Hors'Douvres and I know we all love Hors'Douvres. So today I'm going to blog briefly on what are my likes for food and what not.

Favorites broken down by category:
Fast Food: Cafe Rio. We have been there twice this week and it was excellent both times. However don't eat it and then go to bed shortly after.
Sit Down Restaurant: Chili's, still my favorite, just haven't been there in a while.
Snack Food: Cheese and Saltine Crackers, I found that mild cheese is better than medium.
Drink: Dr. Pepper, though I do like Diet Pepsi or Diet Dr. Pepper with a lime.
Candy: Right now I'm in a bit of a any candy is good now. Frozen Snickers are good, but if I have to choose one I'd say Milky Way Dark.
Dessert: Angel Food Cake or White Cake, it doesn't need frosting. Just hand over the cake. Frosting is ok, but the cake is just fine.

Anyway, just wanted to blog since I haven't for a while. And this was a good topic. Well that just about does it for today. Laters!

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