Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Apocolyptic Movies

One of the things I enjoy watching is movies that show natural or man-made apocolyptic events. Some of them help to answer the question "What if...." Not that they are entirely accurate or realistic, but it does give an author's rendition of what they think may happen. Some are backed by scientific data that "could" happen.

Anyway, one movie that I watched recently is Supernova. This one talked of a possibility that the sun being older than we thought and a very large meteor fragment setting off the events that would lead to the sun going supernova. There is nothing that could be done, nowhere to hide if this type of event happens.

Of course there is always the reporter that is going to break the story and get to the "truth" of what is happening so they can tell the world. Once it is theorized that the sun is to explode, the question then becomes, do you tell the world?

Here is the question I have. If the world is about to be destroyed and there is absolutely nothing that you can do, would you want to know? What would you do?

Now, add the fact that everyone else knows and everyone panics, riots, and general chaos ensues. Would that affect what you would do and where you would go?

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