Monday, March 27, 2006

Monday, again...

Well today is Monday. I usually like Monday but for some reason today, I'm having a hard time getting into it. It might be that my little vacation wasn't as fun as it could have been. I did spend a lot of time with the family, which was the #1 plan. Hang with the kids and wife. But with the funeral and what not, I don't feel we had that much fun during the weekend. Chels' grandad's funeral was very nice. Her mom sang really well and her uncle played this cool song he wrote on the tenor sax. It was pretty cool. It was a nice day on Saturday for the funeral. Anyway, things should get back to normal now. The family is all getting over the virus that was going around, Jarik was the last to really have it. Chels' turned into a ear infection, which she got some drugs to help. Overall the weekend, even with the two extra days is graded a C, maybe a C+. Enough of my rambling, now I'm ready for...The Song of the Day. Today's song is from a Utah local group called Voice Male. If you like acapella you'll like them. The song is I'm in a Hurry and Don't Know Why

That is all for now, have a great day!!

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