Monday, March 06, 2006

What a Day...

I am starting to feel like crap right now. My head hurts my body is starting to ache and I'm really tired. I'm hoping for a good night sleep tonight to cure all my woes.

Today the power went off at work for a couple of hours. As fun as a power outage can be, like playing hangman on a whiteboard, not a whole heck of a lot gets accomplished. You can probably imagine. My cube became the place to gather when it came down to it. It's cool, it makes me feel special, or used anyway for the treats that I have. Anyway, I'm now waiting for my ride to come get me and then we are headed to band for the last practice before my first appearence before a live audience, minus my family, in many years. Wish me luck...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You seem to be having a lot of headaches. Maybe you should go see the doctor or change your brand of Dr. Pepper to the "decaffinated" version.

Just a thought.