Monday, March 13, 2006

A Busy Weekend...

This weekend was a lot of fun. Went home on Friday and went out to dinner with Chels' Grandma for her 80th birthday. We went to Marie Callender's, and I remembered how much I dislike that place. When you are in a big party, It is sad how long you sit there. We got there at 7 and finally left around or a little after 9. It was nice to visit, but I am very impatient when we are at restaurants because I like to eat, and leave. Well the kids were being good, and as I said we were visiting with everyone that was there, it did just take a while.

Saturday, got up early and went and played in the St. Patrick's day parade. It was cold, but it was a lot of fun. My family was there to see me. We had lunch at the mall afterwards and then headed towards home. We then went over to Nic's house for a welcome home party of sorts, we had pizza and played Burn Out 3 and Tiger Wood's Golf on the XBox. It was pretty fun.

Sunday was church, and then we went to Chels' parents for Jared's b-day dinner. Roast, mashed taters, carrots, peas, and rolls. It was some good stuff. We got home shortly there after watched Crossing Jordan, which was a good one, and went to bed.

That was the weekend. I'm a little tired today, but not too bad. Well time to get back to work...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm with you mostly on the restaurant thing. In, eat, pay the bill, and out.

There have been times where you go and are with some fun people and you can sit and talk. I've been to restaurants where you are there for 2 hours but it really is a lot of fun to hang out and socialize.

Anyway, my 2 cents.