Thursday, March 30, 2006

Eatin' and Jammin'

Food is good, music is good, and if it's not I can change it. I do have that power. Anyways, not much going on today, just working on my project and trying to pass the time. It is noon'ish finally and I'm eating. Time has gone a little slower than I like today, but we'll see how it goes. I'm going to spend some time with my kids tonight, it has been a crazy week and I haven't spent much time with them. So it will be fun.

So I picked today's Song of the Day yesterday, but knew it would be today's Song of the Day when it played again today. Sometimes the iTunes random stinks and you hear some songs multiple times over different days. Anyway, on to the Song of the Day. It comes from one of my kids favorites. It is done by the Veggie Tales people, which include Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, and Larry the Cucumber. Veggie Tales is great. The song is The Pirates That Don't Do Anything.

That song is funny, Larry is so funny, and there is a comment about Cap'n Crunch. It's pretty funny. And I just used funny 3 times in a very short paragraph. Haha! (I guess techincally 4, but who's counting.)

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