Thursday, March 02, 2006

Headaches Suck!!

I woke up this morning, after what I thought was a good night sleep, with this major headache. I also had a stomachache, but that has since gone away. My headache is such that I'm having a hard time focusing on things that I'm working on. It's like the thoughts in my head are more out of whack than normal. So hopefully the Advil I just took will kick in soon, I have a Dew that should help as well. Caffiene is always nice for this sort of thing. Anyway, just wanted to complain a little about the headache. Now I'm going to try and focus a little and get some stuff done.

1 comment:

Kaplin said...

I hear you, brother. I get bad headaches and I get migraines. Some people just don't get how bad it can make your life.

Feel better.