Friday, March 31, 2006


So it's Friday. Life is going pretty good, for the most part. I made it through a pretty busy week, alive and still feeling in one piece. I don't have anything special or exciting to write about now. Today is the last day of March and the first quarter has gone pretty fast. Hopefully, the rest of the year will slow down a little. I can't believe that in a little over 2 months, the baby will be here. I'm thinking sometime end of May more than the first of June. But that's just me, I'm sure Chels wouldn't complain. On to the Song of the Day. I've been listening all day and haven't heard anything that has hit me as a good song for the day, let's try the old hit next five times and find it. Just for kicks, the song I'm listening to is going to be it. The song is Basketball Jones, from the Space Jam soundtrack. This song is Chris Rock and Barry White. It's really dumb, but I'm laughing.

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