Monday, March 20, 2006

One Crappy Weekend

I've had bad weekends, but this one seems to top them all. So Chels and I have had these nasty sore throats for a while and the weekend seemed to take it's toll on us. Chels was getting a lot of pressure in her sinuses and yesterday she couldn't get her ears to pop so she could hear outside of the box. Bree wasn't feeling well either, and she is very clingy when she doesn't feel well. Clingy and whiny. Besides being sick, there was the weather. Stupid snow and rain and cold. Today is the first day of spring so hopefully, things will get better. Not holding my breath too much on that. And to top the weekend off as the worst weekend, Chels' grandad passed away. It was an expected thing, and it's good that he's gone, but it is still hard. He went peacefully at home surrounded by his loved ones so that is good. So there for the weekend was a total piece, and hopefully they will start looking up from here on out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about Chels' grandpa. Glad he's gone home though.

Hope you all feel better. The cold went around our house a couple weeks ago and Harold was down all weekend with it. Tis the season....

Anyway, good luck with your week and hopefully things will look up soon. At the time I was writing this, the sun had come out so there's something at least.