Thursday, March 16, 2006

Zoo Volunteer Update

Those of you that have read my previous posts know that we (Aly, Aurora and I) were planning to volunteer at the zoo this year. Last Saturday was the interview day where you are asked a bunch of questions to see if you meet the criteria established to work at the zoo.

As posted previously, the original positions that we were going for were Jr. Zookeeper for Aurora, Zoo Aide for Alythea, and Docent Council for me. (See Hogle Zoo's website for definitions and job duties.) One of the reasons Aly didn't want to be on Docent Council before was because there was teaching involved. She would have to make presentations, teach and other stuff similar. Since she doesn't feel academically inclined, and she didn't like teaching, she didn't want to sign up for that.

As she was interviewing for Zoo Aide, the interviewer talked her into signing up for Docent Council. She reluctantly agreed and changed her position accordingly.

So, my interview and Aly's interview went pretty well. Aurora's interview didn't go so well. Her attitude was really poor. She said she wanted to volunteer at the zoo but she was tired and didn't act like she wanted to be there. So, we will see what happens.

I hope we get accepted. Our first year, we get trained on animal handling and if we have been on Council for a year, we can take the training and get our falconry license which is something that I've wanted to do for years.

So, it'll be interesting to see what happens.


Tracy said...

I don't know if they should let escapees back in to volunteer.

Unknown said...

If you really think about your statement, you would realize you are insulting yourself.... Think about it.

Tracy said...

Nope, just insulting you...haha