Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Couple Things...

First off, a movie review followed-up by a new feature, The Song of the Day.

Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story; starring Kurt Russell, Dakota Fanning, and Kris Kristofferson
So I'm not a big fan of the underdog that wins it all, but this movie was good. It was inspired by a true story, not a remake of the story that once happened. So Kurt Russell plays a horse trainer that owns a horse farm with no horses on it. He works for the classic big money boss that thinks the world revolves around him and that his money can talk, in other words, he's a jerk. Anyway the story is about a horse whose name is Sonador, which is spanish for dreamer, or dreamy, something like that. Anyway, Kurt Russell's character tells the jerk boss that Sonya, Sonador for short, isn't ready to run in a race. The jerk boss thinks he knows it all, tell him to race the horse. She's in the lead when she breaks her cannonbone, or something like that. Kurt Russell doesn't let them put her down, fixes her up and then races her. Sonya gets bought and the family is ticked, espically Dakota Fanning's character. They get Sonya back and the owner of the horse is Dakota, she gets to decide to do with the horse. Dakota fanning has some great lines in this movie. Anyway, it ends good, and me and the whole family were cheering her on. If you haven't seen it, go get it, it's out today...

Now for the Song of the Day: Basically this is going to be a song that I hear when I start the song of the day. Now that it's after 2 the day is almost over. So, iTunes on random, next song is the song of the day...drumroll please. The song of the day is Song For Dad by Keith Urban. If you haven't heard this song, it's pretty cool. It really makes me think of my dad and how much I think I'm like him. At least the good qualities he had.

That's it...have a good rest of the day!

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