Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Weekend Off

I am taking the next two days off of work. Tonight we are headed up to Logan to spend the night up there. In my eyes we are going up to Logan for 2 reasons, 1. Angie's has this Chicken Cordon Blue soup. It's yummy. 2. We want to go swimming and have a good time playing in a pool and hot tub. I'm excited to go. Chels has an appt today and then she is picking me up and we are out the door. I think the kids are excited to go and have some fun too.

This is the 300th entry in Whadda Blog so to celebrate, I'm going to do a little dance, and have a Chocolate Caramel candy bar and probably a Dr. Pepper. So take time to celebrate in your own way.

It's now time for The Song of the Day...iTunes is once again on random, the next song is going to be the song of the day. And while I listen to the rest of the song that is playing, I want to warn you, I have a very wide variety of music. I'm in the debate mode that I get to have a skip or two to get a really good song for the day. My other idea was that the song of the day would be the first song that played when I got to work. I'll decide and let you know. Now time for the song...Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) by the Backstreet Boys.

So I'm going to open it up to the general population as to what the rule for the song of the day should be. First song listened to for the day or allow 1, 2, or 3 choices.


Unknown said...

I like your song of the day idea. On another blog, I can post an album that I'm listening to at the time.

My suggestion for song of the day is the song that is playing while you are writing your blog.

Anyway, I think I'll join in on your movie review because I think its fun.

Tracy said...

I think you should write movie reviews. You did one a while back which gave me the idea.

Thanks for the info on the song of the day.

Unknown said...

I think we should come up with a rating system of our own. Maybe based on the 4 star systm where you have (1) Waste of time; (2) Borrow from a friend but don't waste your money; (3) Don't bother with the theatre, rent from the video store; (4) a must see for the theatre; and (5) See in theatre, and a must for the DVD collection.

Anyway, just off the top of my head in 30 seconds or less. Let's revise because I think it would be fun to do.