Friday, May 20, 2005

First Film Ideas

So, as I was walking home from work yesterday, I had some valuable time to think about anything that popped into my head. As I was contemplating the idea from yesterday of creating short films, I had 2 ideas. Both, as visuals could be quite good but a lot is lost in the translation so bear with me and try to "visualize".

Idea #1 - Right of Way - I don't have the whole idea worked out yet as far as how this is going to be scripted but try and get an idea. I'm thinking of a male, either teen on his way to school or young adult leaving the house for work, or the like. He reaches a somewhat busy intersection with a light and a cross walk. As the signal turns to the "walk", he begins to cross the street only to have the cross walk sign turn to "don't walk" and cars begin to flood the intersection causing him to hurry back to the other side of the street. He presses the button again to the walk signal and the light again changes. As he again attempts to cross the street, each time he is thwarted by the signal. As he starts to give up, a lady with a stroller/kids, or something of the like comes, pushes the button and crosses the street unhindered.

The kid watches in unbelief and then attempts it again. After many attempts, he finally makes it across the street. As he does, his mother/wife calls from the other side saying, "Honey, you forgot your backpack."

I'll post idea number 2 later.

Anyway, now that we are past the boring stuff and the reason you visit this blog, JOTD.... Today, once again, is from Tough pickin' today. Wasn't a good day for jokes I guess.

Joke of the Day:
A man goes into a bar and orders double bourbon. He takes a sip of the drink and says to the bartender: "I shouldn’t be drinking this with what I’ve got." The bartender says: "What have you got".

The man replies: "30 cents".

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