Thursday, June 16, 2005

Another Year Down

Why is it that when you get near a b-day you get reflective of the past XX years? And it seems that the older you get the more reflective you get. I look at it this way, when you get old, one of the only things that got you where you are and will maybe help define where you are going in the future is your past. So as I sit at my desk in the job that I love, with the pictures of my growing family all over my cube, I like to think of how I've been blessed with a pretty good life. To my friends that have been with me over the years, and some have been there for a lot of years, thanks for the fun, let's keep it going. Well turning 29 isn't all that bad, it feels like i'm still 28, haha. Life is going to continue, and I will just get older so I'm not going to complain, as long as I'm breathing on my own, I will do my best to stay happy. Ok, well that's all for now. Laters...

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