Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Tough Things in Life...

In "The Little Mermaid" Ursla, I don't know how to spell it, the Sea Witch says something to Ariel that was very true. The line; "Life's full of tough choices, isn't it" or something to that effect. Well I'm here to say that not only are the choices we make tough at times, so are the things we do. You get rid of one monkey on your back and there are usually two or three more ready to jump on. I guess if we didn't have trials and such in life we wouldn't appreciate it as much. So, last night I had to do one of the hardest things that I've done, up to this point in my life. We took a positive pregnancy test a few weeks ago and were really excited to prepare our home for our one more little one to join us, then last week we lost the baby to a miscarriage. My 5 year old was more excited than all of us I think and she would show it in little ways. Like last night, we received a post card from Chels' parents in as they have been traveling the West Coast with the Choir. The card was addressed to Tiaree, Jarik, Bree, Mommy and Daddy. When Chels got done reading the card, Tiaree mentioned that when the baby came we could put his name on the card too. At that point we realized that we hadn't addressed the subject with the kids about how Chels had miscarried and the baby wasn't going to come too soon. My 5 year old daughter, put her face in her hands and looked as if she was trying to hide the tears when she blurted out, "I can't handle it" and burst into tears. It was seriously the hardest thing that I have had to do in my life. To see her tears tore me apart. We were able to explain to her that the baby was going to come, just not right now and that we'd would tell her when it was time. It was a sad night.

Well regardless of the tough choices and other things that happen in life, we need to remember that there is one that went through it all before us and I am grateful for Him.

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