Thursday, June 09, 2005

Email Forwards...

I want to take a moment and discuss email forwards. First off, I don't mind receiving them. And to all the family and friends that have sent me those that say something like "Send this back and I'll know you love me" or "like me", I still love you and I'd hope that by not returning some cute email is showing you that I don't love you.

The other type of emails that are sometimes annoying are those that are patriotic or about God. The ones with the really touching stories or the "petition" for prayer, at the end or the email it will say "If you are a true American..." or "If you believe in God...". If forwarding email is the only thing that makes me a true American or makes me have a belief in God, then this world is really screwed up. What about all those people that didn't have email. Was George Washington and true American, he didn't forward an email, he didn't even know what email was.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is if you are reading this and you want to send me something, send it, I don't mind reading it, but if it is something that needs to be forwareded, I won't!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I usually forward if I don't thinks someone has seen it but to "prove" something, I agree, is stupid....