Monday, April 03, 2006

Good Weekend

This past weekend was actually pretty good. A few things were accomplished, some activities were done and I got to hold down my couch a bit also.

Saturday, Alythea had her training for Zoo Aide. It was pretty good for her. I think she's going to enjoy it. Her aquisition of new knowledge has given her a lot more to talk about and a new sparkle in her eye.

I took Niki and the other kids to the Zoo to celebrate Niki's b-day. It was a lot of fun. They took turns picking the animals they wanted to see and we went all over the zoo. After that, I took them to the playground where they had a lot of fun sliding, bouncing, climbing, and all the other things that make kids happy at a playground. The train had stopped running for a bit but while they were playing at the playground, the zoo train officials tested the track to see if it was dry enough to run and it was. So, the kids got a train ride to finish out their day at the zoo.

After that, I took the kids to get some lunch and we took it home and ate. They ended up taking naps while I watched some tv for a little while. Aly got home, we went shopping and got some movies. (BTW, I will do another blog on one of the movies called The Fog.)

Sunday we got up and relaxed a bit. Worked on some geocaching stuff and then got ready to go to Nicole's house to visit with mom and Bob and everyone else. It was a good time. Kids ran around, as usual. We bbq'ed, had cake and a general good time. Then we went home to finish getting ready to have cake/ice cream with the other half of the family. Watched another movie after that and then went to bed. (Almost should have a movie review website... The other movies was The Legend of Zorro.)

I enjoyed this weekend. The only bad thing about this weekend was the spring forward an hour for our clocks. I think Daylight Savings is a waste of time and unnecessary but that's just me.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Legend of Zorro is a good movie. I also agree that daylight savings is a waste.