Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'm Tired of It...Aren't You

So once again the Salt Lake Valley has woken up to snow on the ground. I guess it's warranted since it still is winter and all that stuff, but come on. Now I know I can't control the weather, but I do want to say that I'm ready for a change. Not only am I ready, I'm hoping it happens soon. I'm not the biggest fan of snow. I've lived in Utah almost my whole life and I don't like snow. I don't ski or snowboard. I do like to go sledding once in a while, but for the most part that isn't any fun because you have to carry things up the hill to have your 5 seconds of fun. I know I'm complaining a little here but it needs to be said and this blog is where I can say it.

As for anything else going on in my life...I'm back at work today after being sick for a couple days. Being sick isn't fun, but getting better is. Nic and Rick get back today after their 6 week trip to Missouri. They've had a fun trip home I'm sure and my kids are way stoked to see them. Well I'm going to get some work done. Have a good day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You posted this before the BIG storm I take it. Well, life could be worse. At least this means we can probably have camp fires this summer. (Just trying to make light of the crappy weather.)