Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It's Tuesday

I guess the title says it all, it's Tuesday. Not much about a Tuesday that is really likeable. Its not hated like Monday, isn't exciting like Friday. It doesn't have anything distinguishing like Wednesday being hump day or Saturday being a day off and Sunday being a rest day. Thursdays are kind of the same except that is the day to prepare for Friday.

I know Dominos tried to do something a couple years ago to get people excited about Tuesdays like some kind of special deal only on Tuesdays but it just didn't catch on because Tuesdays just can't really be all that exciting.

Anyway, that's my thoughts on Tuesday. Since its not an exciting day, no exciting blog (not that they ever are anyway.)

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Domino's still does there two for Tuesdays, but Domino's isn't something to get excited about. I agree with you though, Tuesday is a day that could be cut out of the week and it wouldn't be missed.