Thursday, March 30, 2006

Life never slows....

I got up this morning, against my better judgement, and got showered and ready for work. After the last weekend, all I want to do is sleep in and take a day off to just veg out and do absolutely nothing. So I started to think about when my next possible day off would be. Here is the schedule I came up with:

I work today at Delco and tonight at Albertsons. No time off there.
3/31 - Work at Delco and have a double date with some friends that night. Not really a veg night.

Sat 4/1- Take Niki D. to the zoo for her b-day. Aly has training at the zoo for that time. I also need to take Niki D. to get he a b-day present (actually a couple. Her grandma sent her a gift card that she needs to use also.)

Sun 4/2 - BBQ with family (my side) and then cake/ice cream with other family (wife's side.)

Mon-Fri - Work Delco and a couple of those days I have to work Albertson's also.

Sat 4/8 - Lagoon Opening Day - Aly has training so I will probably take the kids and go with some friends (maybe, depends on what they are doing.)

Sun 4/9 - Since Aly is missing Lagoon Opening Day because of her zoo training, she is going to want to go on Sunday.

Mon-Fri - Work Delco again and then a couple of days at Albertson's.

4/15-16 - Not sure what's going on here, but this looks like a possibility. Aly will have zoo training on Saturday so it could be a zoo day or Lagoon day. Depends on how well 4/8 went without Aly.

Anyway, not sure if I'm happy about having lots of things to do or whether having a day off is more important. I'm excited to be able to do things with the family. The other concern is tasks around the house plus gym time during the week. Hopefully we can accomplish a lot over the next couple of weeks. As I start to think about the day off thing and all the other stuff I could be doing, maybe if there is a crappy weather weekend, I can decide that I can take a day and veg out in front of the tv but as long as its nice and I have stuff to do, might as well keep doin' it.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Sounds like the past week for me. This Saturday though, I'm going to veg and watch Conference! At least on Saturday.