Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Night O'Fun

So last night we went and celebrated Jarik's b-day. No picts, someone forgot the camera, sorry. (Yeah, I'm to blame for that too.) So we were going to go somewhere that they would come sing happy birthday to Jarik and make a semi-big deal of it. So the first choice was IHOP. We changed our minds, after having breakfast there on Friday, we thought it would be nice to go somewhere else. Jarik mentioned McDonald's, so he could play on the toys, and Sizzler, he likes the pizza at the salad bar. So being the wise parents, we asked him if he'd like to go to Chuck E. Cheese. He wanted to so we headed down to the nearest Chuck E. Cheese and had some fun. After eating pizza and using up most of the tokens we figured it was time to leave and head to Wal-Mart. We needed some Ice Cream and a few more gifts for Jarik. He got an outfit, which I think is really cool, it's a Superman shirt and some gray and black camo shorts. They are pretty cool. While we were at Wal-Mart Jarik decided that he needed to try and hang from the Harry Potter DVD display, which I'll warn you now, isn't latched down. As it came crashing down on top of him, I had a few emotions run through my body. I looked over right as it started to fall and noticed that Tiaree's arm looked as though it was giving it a little help down. After getting after her for touching stuff, I was told that Jarik did it. After finding out he was ok, and watching the Wal-Mart employees scramble around to get it cleaned up and make sure Jarik was ok, Chels and I proceeded to laugh about the situation. That was our "Night O'Fun".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can just picture that. How funny. I laughed just thinking about it.