Thursday, March 30, 2006

There is no winning in life, is there....

When I blog I try not to get to political or religious. I have a belief and you do too, and we all have the right to believe how, who, and what we want too. I believe that's what the founding fathers fought for. But I wanted to share something that has been kind of on my mind for a couple months. I guess I've already kind of said it. Let me believe what I want to believe and I'll let you believe what you want to believe. We all have the choice to do that. If you don't like something on TV, turn it off, don't cause a stir, it's free publicity. If you don't like the thought of a cross on the side of the road for a fallen officer, and claim it's mixing church and state, that's your belief. It's what's been done for years, just chill out. Anyway, if you want to start a bunch of comments blasting me for this, go for it, I really don't care. I can moderate them anyway, haha. Now that's off my chest, have a good day.

This arguement is based on two things that have been in the news as of late, the HBO show Big Love, it's all over The other one should be obvious from the rest of the blog.


Kaplin said...

Why you religion pusher!!! j/k

Why people can't "live and let live" I'll never know. It's not enough for us to have freedom to believe what we want, for some reason we have to make sure everyone else does to. Crosses on the side of the road are christian, but not denomination specific. The purpose of the 1st amendment is to stop the government from having a state sponsored religion that we are forced to join (like England had when they wrote it) but since a majority of US citizens are christian, I don't see why a non-denominational cross as a sign of honor and respect for our fallen law enforcement officers is a bad thing. But I've always felt that I'm a reasonable kid of person.

Unknown said...

I agree with you to a point. Everyone is entitled to their own belief and opinion and they have a right to voice it. With that right comes responsibility though. YOU are responsible for your words and actions.

The other think is that this country ws built upon majority vote. If you have 10 people, 1 creates something (in your example, a show) and 7 of those people vote it out, it should be off the air. That's the power of society. Society is a collection of individuals. One individual's right should be protected UNLESS it violates or infringes upon another person's rights.

With shows, crosses, signs, etc. you can choose to look or look away. If it offends you, you should be given the time to offer your objections. If enough people object, well, that sign, show, cross, etc. should be changed. If you are in the minority, speak your mind then get off the soapbox. Easy enough.

I posted about a show that I thought should be cancelled. I called for others to join me. That was a choice that everyone else made. I wrote to the network voicing my objections, blogged it, then... well, I let it go. I felt I had voiced my opinion and I did it to my satisfaction. Then, I was in the minority, (I think) and stepped down from the subject. Easy enough.

Anway, I could go on because I feel strongly about the idea of individual rights but I also feel stronger about societal rights as well.