Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Book Review - Ender's Game

As we were preparing to go camping last weekend, I thought it appropriate to take a book with me. I decided on something that I have never read before. After searching through the library catalog online and coming up with nothing at the branches I was looking at, I finally stumbled across the Orson Scott Card books. They had Ender's Game in stock at the library close to my work. So, I ran over and picked it up.

I had read Orson before years ago. In fact, I still have the book. It is called A Planet Called Treason and I really liked that book. Boy was I in for a suprise. Anway, here's the synopsis.

Andrew "Ender" Wiggins is a 6-year old boy who is very intelligent but also, very small. He can't comprehend the "kids" around him and wants nothing more than to be left alone. He doesn't get much help from his older brother who continues to threaten him with his life and is quite capable, physically and intelligently, to commit such a crime.

Ender is being tested by the International Fleet to join their battle school. As the youngest person to ever be admitted, he is wisked away to the battle school orbiting earth. His goal, to be trained to fight a war against the buggers, a race of insect-like creatures that have invaded earth previously and were fought back. Unbeknownst to Ender, his training is actually to command the fleet against the buggers.

Will he succeed? Will the human race be saved? Is Ender the hope humanity has to insure its survival?

I really liked this book. Written for all ages, it is easy for the kids to read but also very though provoking for the adults. For those of you that have not read this book, I would highly recommend it. If you like Sci-Fi at all, it is a very good book. For those of you that don't care for sci-fi at all, it is very philosophical and will make you think.


Tracy said...

Now you have to read Ender's Shadow and Speaker for the Dead. Both good books, espically Speaker for the Dead. Just thought I'd tell you that.

Unknown said...

Just picked up Speaker for the Dead from the library. Will start reading tonight no my breaks.

Kaplin said...

I read Shadow of the Hegemon recently and remembered how much I love those books. Good series to get into.